Saturday, September 29, 2007

Skill of Gambling

Gambling is a high risk investment. The skills of gambling are as below:
1. choose the lowest risk game
2. minimize the risk
3. dont greedy

It is good if u understand the skills, if not I also not plan to elaborate more, because no free lunch in the world. What i can say is "dont greedy" is the most important among the skills.


1 选择低风险的玩法
2 把风险降到最低
3 不要贪心


Friday, September 28, 2007

Y invest when young?

One of the strategy of investement is invest when young. But some would think that they hav not enough capital to invest when young. Lets c the example below.

Here, A invests 1000 every year and maintain it 10 years, if the return is 10% every year, he got 17,531 at the end of 10 years, then his total return is 75.31%.
B only start invests in year 6, he invests 2000 every year and maintain it til year 10. If the return of every year is same with A, 10%, he got 13,431 at the end of year 10, his total return is 34.31%.

Obviously, their total returns are different although their capital and the retrun of every year are same. A got 75.31% return while B only got 34.31%, y like this?

Albert Einstein said compound interest is the greatest mathematical discovery of all time.

What is compound interest? Compound interest is the concept of adding accumulated interest back to the principal, so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on.

The key factor of compound interest is time. The longer the time, the effect of compound interest is more obvious. When young, U mayb hav not enough capital, but U hav enough time to lets the compound interest grows.

The most important is U hav to start invest now and not wait until u hav enough capital, U hav 2 remember that the key factor of compound interest not u hav big capital, but u hav many time.

compound interest = little capital + many time

Thursday, September 27, 2007



爱因斯坦有说过,“复利是宇宙最大的力量”。复利是什么? 你的本金连同你每年得到的利息,让它们一直重复计算利息,这就是复利。俗语叫做“利塔利”。



复利 = 少少钱 + 多多时间

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Work? Not work? Do business? Invest?

Famous book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" asked ppl dont "work". Many ppl think that they can do nothing if not work because they are not businessmen.

There are few way to earn money:
1. earn money by ur arm and time--factory worker
2. earn money by ur brain and time--skill worker or professional
3. earn money by ur brain, time and capital--businessman
4. earn money by ur money--investor

If u do not hav any skill or knowledge then u hav to earn money by ur arm and time, the salary is lower because any ppl can do ur job.
If u studied in university or hav a cert, u may earn money by ur brain and time. The range of the salary is quite wide for this kind of ppl, it is differentiate by their level of brain. The CEO may get a fantastic pay while the fresh graduate with same qualification may not get same pay.
The 3rd kind of ppl earn money by brain, time and capital. They might hav a skill or knowledge, by investing their time and money, they start their business.
The last is investor, they earn money by money.

U might c that all r using time except investor. we hav limited time, arm and brain. The only way to increase ur ability of collecting wealth is money earn money. But u might say: "I no money, how can i money earn money? Ofcourse, working is the way to collect wealth if u no money, but the ability of collecting wealth is jz like walk, compare to money earn money is like fly. ofcourse u know fly is faster, that is y working jz for starting to save money to fly lah!

U might think that money earn money is the game for rich ppl, not every1 can play. What i can
say is, this is the way they get rich, if u dont learn to play this game, u knw wat? U wil be a "Poor Ppl" forever and ever and ever..

ofcourse, there are various investment, with small capital and big capital. The investments with small capital are stock market, unit trust and bond. But, pls la! dont tell me that saving in bank and fixed deposit are investment also! The interest earned dont even can cover inflation!

In conclusion, it is not important whether u work or not work, the important is u hav to learn how to money earn money, learn how 2invest.



1 靠人力和时间赚钱--服务员,工厂工人
2 靠脑力和时间赚钱--专业人士
3 靠脑力,时间和本钱赚钱--商人
4 靠钱赚钱--投资者




Saturday, September 22, 2007

The only rule in investment: Never Lose Money!

Warren Buffet had said that there are two rules in investment:
1. Never Lose Money!
2. Never forget rule No.1!

I believe that some ppl might think that is impossible, investment has risk, win and lose.

Actually it is very simply when we relate it to walking. we all do the same thing, walking forward, we knw that if we keep walking forward, no matter how small of our steps, we will reach our destination.

But if u walk by 2steps forward, 1step backward, then another 2steps forward, 3steps backward again, keep move forward n backward, u might be in the same place, or maybe worse is u move backward rather than forward.

For example: If u invested 1000 but lost 500, that means u lost 50%. Now, u only remain 500, to gain back what u lost, u have to gain 100% from what u have now. U can notice that, u have to gain 100% to gain back the 50% u had lost, it is double, pls! That is y my idol, Mr Warren come out which the conclusion: "NO Lose!

It is simple.. Pls think of the way we walk, we walk step by step, no fall, no backward, we will reach where we want.

Friday, September 21, 2007


1 永远不亏损!
2 永远记得第一原则!


